Agilex eSOM7 Carrier Module for 5G/Wireless Development

Carrier modules to be paired with eSOM7. Designed to enable end-to-end 5G, ORAN, Wireless and Satellite-Hub development with latest ADI, MaxLinear and TI RF transceivers. Supports interchangeable eSOMs with different Agilex devices and supports FPGAs with 1 or 2 F-Tiles.
- Compact 8.5” x 7.0” module for Agilex eSOM
- Designed to provide End-to-End 5G, Wireless and Satellite-Hub development
- Supports interchangeable eSOMs with different Agilex devices; primarily designed for 1x or 2x F-Tile parts
- Two 400-pin connectors
- Primary Connector (J1)
- Option x4 Gen4 (16Gbps) PCIetarget via SFF-8644 interface ORx4 Gen4 (16Gbps) PCIeroot port via M.2 connector
- x8 SERDES to the FMC+ connector for JESD204B/C or other network/video interface implementations
- 4 x SFP28 connectors with support for 1G/10G/25G/50G Ethernet and eCPRIinterface
- HPS Ethernet (1000Base-T/MDI) to RJ45
- HPS UART and BMC I2C to the USB2.0 connector via USB to UART+I2C bridge
- HPS I2C to the carrier I2C expansion switch and carrier CPLD
- HPS mater SPI to the carrier CPLD with support for FMC+ SPI expansion
- UART/I2C/SPI to timing/clock module connector
- 6 1.2V Fabric IOs timing/clock module connector
- +12V power input the module
- Secondary Connector (J2)
- 8 Serdeslanes QSFP-DD connector for very high performance networking up to 400G Ethernet
- 8 Serdeslanes QSFP28 connector for high performance networking up to 200G Ethernet
- Fabric side true-differential (LVDs), 1.2V differential, 1.2V single-ended GPIO for FMC/FMC+ interface and clock management
- Primary Connector (J1)